Sulfates are making your hair drab - here’s why.
First off, sulfates do work! Didn’t expect me to start with that did you?
But of course they do. It would be a true shame if they didn’t - considering that IS their WHOLE purpose… to STRIP! Thinking about my hair and scalp being stripped puts a shiver down my spine. We want our hair & scalp clean, not depleted of all its nutrients/proteins - not to mention color. ):
Sulfates are one heck of a cleansing agent but are not picky about what they are “cleaning” out. If you have ever noticed your hair getting oily within a day of showering, your shampoo may contain sulfates. Sulfates are a strong detergent and foaming agent that create an intense lather but strips your hair of its good natural oils which can lead to a dry and itchy scalp that now begins to OVER produce the natural oils essentially out of fear of being scrubbed away again. Your body knows your scalp and hair need those...
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